"Unexpected Kindness: A Bus Ride, an Ice Cream, and the Love of a Stranger"

 "Unexpected Kindness: A Bus Ride, an Ice Cream, and the Love of a Stranger"

"My phone rang and it was a number I didn’t recognize. Knowing my kids were in the afternoon hours of getting home from school I immediately answered knowing it was one of them. You know how your Mama instinct just knows something is up? On the other end his little cracking voice said 'Mama, I got on the wrong bus.'

This is his first year in middle school. Can we even imagine what a new middle schooler deals with these days, I mean, it’s a different kind of stress. I knew my little guy was stressing out. After all it was only his second afternoon riding home, since he normally has football. As I am talking to my son and he is speaking with the bus driver I could feel his frustration. The tone of his voice when he told the bus driver 'I’m so sorry’ was one of worry. Then on the other end of the line I heard a calming nurturing response as she said, 'oh honey, you don’t have to aplologize. That’s my job, to get you home safely. And that’s what we’re gonna do.’ My Mama-heart melted knowing she was comforting him. I can’t help but think of the many other responses he could have received. She went out of her way to console him.
Before I could even get to pick him up she had him call me back and ask permission to take him in to get a drink. Cue the tears. What a thoughtful person. She actually got him an ice cream while they waited for me. (Again tears)
When I arrived at our agreed upon location she walked him over and explained how she noticed he felt terrible and anxious. He had even asked if he 'messed everything up.' My poor guy. She wanted to make sure he didn’t have to tell me everything and stress over it again. ♥️
I pray everyday God places people in our paths and in the right places to watch over my children when I’m not there. And today He did just that. This angel truly showed the love of Christ in her actions and care for my son. I won’t let her actions go unnoticed and this story will be shared with her leaders.
I’m not sure how your day is going. But I encourage you the next time you are inconvenienced to take a look around. It might not be about you after all."